Contact Lenses


soft contact lens on a fingerWearing soft contact lenses today is more comfortable and healthy than ever before. They were initially made in a ‘Hydrogel’ material, which is still used today in some instances. As good as they may have been, most contacts are now made from a ‘Silicone Hydrogel’ material which is more breathable, more comfortable, and generally safer and healthier for your eyes.


SPHERICAL – All spherical lenses are disposable. Based on the brand and type of lens, spherical lenses need to be replaced every day, every 2 weeks, or monthly. Some spherical lenses are FDA approved for overnight or extended wear. (Click here to see common soft lens options)

ASTIGMATISM – If you have astigmatism, don’t worry! There are several soft ‘toric’ contact lenses that are made with astigmatism in mind. In the past, patients with astigmatism were forced to choose between glasses and hard lenses. Fortunately, soft ‘toric’ contact lenses have become a fantastic and comfortable option to correct your eyesight.(Click here to see common soft ‘toric’ lens options)

COLORED – Do you want to change your eye color?  Great!  There are a wide array of color options available.  These lenses can be a fun way to switch things up in your every day monotonous routine.  (Click here to see common soft colored lens options)

MULTI-FOCAL – Are you over 40 and having a hard time reading? No problem… Soft ‘Multi-focal’ lenses might be the answer – or, a ‘mono-vision’ set-up might be even better. (Click here to see the Mono-vision / Multi-focals page for more information)

Remember, contact lenses are a medical device and should be worn properly. The FDA has mandated annual eye examinations for anyone wearing contact lenses before that person can order a new supply. Be sure to fully comply with your optometrist’s instructions on how to wear and take care of your lenses. Failing to do so may result in ocular health complications and/or permanent vision loss. (Click here for a list of instructions that will help you keep your eyes healthy and provide you with a positive contact lens experience)


closeup side-view person placing contact lens to eyeAs the name implies, Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses are made out of a rigid plastic material. These lenses are much more breathable and healthy for the eyes than the earlier hard lens models. The hard lenses were made out of a PMMA material that had virtually no oxygen permeability, and are rarely used today. Gas Permeable lenses provide excellent optics for superior clear vision.


With the advent of ‘soft’ contact lenses, fewer people are being fitted for RGP lenses due to their discomfort. However, many people that are used to them choose to continue wearing them for various reasons.  Such reasons include:

close-up blue eye with lens shadow in iris


  • Pristine visual clarity
  • Affordability
  • High amount of Astigmatism that cannot be corrected as well with soft toric lenses
  • Medical necessity due to conditions such as: keratoconus, or post-surgical corneal abnormalities.


Most RGP lenses should be replaced every year, or every other year at the latest. This replacement schedule will keep your eyes much more healthy and free of harmful protein buildup or bacterial accumulation. Much like spectacle lenses, RGP lenses will usually become fairly scratched over time, and may cause irritation and poor vision.

We have a vast number of these RGP lenses with various parameters in stock, and many patients leave our office wearing new lenses! If by chance we don’t have the lens you need, it usually takes only a few days to order it in. Schedule an appointment today for a more comfortable fit.


Until recently, patients with high amounts of astigmatism, high myopia, or abnormal corneas had to wear “hard” or rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses in order to see clearly through contact lenses. Soft contact lenses made for astigmatism provide superior comfort but are sometimes susceptible to excessive rotation which can cause fluctuating blurry vision. RGP lenses provide very clear optics, but earlier versions could be irritating and uncomfortable.

Recently, new hybrid lenses that incorporate both soft and hard lens technologies have provided patients with great comfort and clear vision. SynergEyes contacts are hybrid lenses custom-made for various conditions. See the below images for more information on SynergEyes contacts.

synergeyes logo in box
synergeyes - diagram of lenses reading soft skirt for all day comfort, rigid gas permeable center for crisp high definition vision
synergeyes duette logo with tagline hybrid contact lenses for astigmatism
synergeyes A bottles
synergeyes mutifocal - lens spilling from bottle with liquid
synergeyes KC/Clear Cone - bottles
Synergeyes PS bottles


Whether you wear hard, RGP or soft lenses, caring for your contacts is absolutely crucial to your ocular health. Disinfect your lenses with the appropriate solutions is necessary, and failing to do so can leave you susceptible to bacterial infections that can cause severe eye pain and even blindness. Since disinfecting is required, simply using a sterile saline solution is not sufficient. Saline may be used to rinse off a lens before it is applied to the eye, but should never be used for storing or cleaning your lenses.

Several different brands of multi-purpose solutions are available, and different brands work best for different people. During your exam, we will give you our recommendation of which contact solution will work best for you. Listed below are examples of some common solutions used to clean and store contact lenses.

Soft Lenses (multi-purpose solutions)

Aquify solution
Biotrue Solution
Complete solution
RevitaLens solution
Opti-free express solution
Opti-free replenish solution
Renu fresh solution
Renu sensitive solution

Hard/Gas Permeable RGP or Soft Lenses (hydrogen peroxide based)

Aosept solution
ClearCare solution
Oxysept solution
Renu Sensitive solution

Hard/Gas Permeable Lenses

Boston original solution
Boston Advance solution
Boston sumplus solution
Optimum solution
Opti-Free GP Solution

All logos and images have been used with permission from their respective companies.



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